June 10, 2021: Join us as an ERA Sentinel outside DOJ!

June 10, 2021: Join us as an ERA Sentinel outside DOJ!
June 10, 2021 Robert Wood

Our first day of the ERA Sentinel project went very well.

An excellent national story about our ERA Sentinel Campaign was featured this morning in the Daily Beast and is already creating quite a flutter:

Equal Means Equal Executive Director Kamala Lopez said that the Biden Justice Department could simply resolve the issue by rescinding the Barr memo and advising the archivist to publish—and then deal with the ensuing litigation from ERA opponents.

Equal Means Equal Vice President Natalie White said to the Daily Beast, “Joe Biden and his Department of Justice are taking the exact same stance as Donald Trump and William Barr on the ERA. I don’t care what he says when he gets on a podium and panders to women. What he’s doing behind the scenes with the courts is fighting against women’s rights.”

Picture credit: Rachel Donlan

Rachel Donlan, Equal Means Equal’s official representative on the ground in DC wrote to us about today’s experience standing Sentinel:

“Our first shift went well. Press showed up and took some photos of Shell and Beverly. I was walking around the building (DOJ) and picketing with the signs when I met a group of young women. They wanted to know why we were there and were very interested in the cause.

Homeland Security showed up, of course. They wanted to know who we are and why we are there. I told him that we wouldn’t be answering a lot of questions but that we were here for a lawful demonstration, not a protest to break any laws, as is our right. ” said Rachel.

With your help we hope to grow the ranks of ERA Sentinels with:

  • volunteers who can donate their time by standing outside the DOJ and holding a sign with us;
  • and more sponsored women from CFLS to take shifts.

Thank you very much for signing up to take a shift here:

Or donating to hire a Sentinel in DC to take a shift for you here:

Equal Means Equal hopes this peaceful protest action will help build comradery and sisterhood across diverse and disparate groups of women in the service of our common goal: equality for all.

Love and thanks

Kamala, Natalie, Wendy, Thila, Rebecca and the EME Team