Media Lab

Teaser for the Traverse City ERA Day Screenings!

7 hours ago

Join us at the State Theater for screenings of "Equal Means Equal" and "Still Working 9 to 5" to urge the President to call the U.S. Archivist and PUBLISH THE ERA before November! ...


23 hours ago

EQUAL MEANS EQUAL's President Kamala Lopez returns to Michael Moore's Traverse City theater, where the documentary "Equal Means Equal" won the Audience Award in 2016 to launch the new FINAL IMPACT Campaign for the Equal Rights Amendment.

FINAL IMPACT is a time-sensitive national campaign designed to urge the Federal Government to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which achieved the necessary 38 state ratifications in 2020, but has still not been published as the 28th Amendment. This must happen for the courts and the country to be put on notice that the ERA is part of the U.S. Constitution.

FINAL IMPACT for the ERA will be rolled out in various phases, all to take place before the November 2024 elections.We invite you to join us, support us and educate those around you about the importance of legal equality regardless of sex and the urgent need to publish the ERA. Please send in your picture today! Details here:


EQUAL MEANS EQUAL's Michigan Webinar FINAL IMPACT Campaign for the ERA (July 10th, 2024)

July 11, 2024

Join EME President Kamala Lopez, Fems for Democracy's Julie Campbell Bode, Michigan ERA Activist Pam Palmieri and ERA Publication Task Force and Chicago City Captain, Eileen Murphy in an educational webinar about the FINAL IMPACT Campaign for the ERA and how YOU can get involved! Let's make sure that the ERA is published before November! All it takes is one three-minute phone call from the President to the U.S. Archivist and all Americans will enjoy equal rights, regardless of sex or gender in our Constitution.
To learn more, create a community action or upload your photo go to:
Become a member and stay up-to-date with all our actions at:

Join the FINAL IMPACT Campaign for the ERA! #equalmeansequal #MakeTheCallJoe #PublishTheERA

June 24, 2024

FINAL IMPACT is a time-sensitive national campaign designed to urge the Federal Government to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which achieved the necessary 38 state ratifications in 2020, but has still not been published as the 28th Amendment. This must happen for the courts and the country to be put on notice that the ERA is part of the U.S. Constitution.

We invite you to join us! Upload your picture today:

Please support us ( ) and educate those around you about the importance of legal equality regardless of sex and the urgent need to publish the ERA.


LIZZO live at WeHo Pride 2024!

June 7, 2024


Meet Kamala Lopez, President & Founder or EQUAL MEANS EQUAL

June 3, 2024

Tasya van Ree takes you into the world of Kamala Lopez; actress, activist, and film maker who has dedicated the past 15 years of her life to ensuring women and LGBTQ people have the same rights and legal standing as men in the US Constitution.

#equalmeansequal #equalrightsamendment #welcometomyworld

Dr Cornell West & Dr Melina Abdullah come out for EME's FINAL IMPACT Campaign for the ERA

May 30, 2024

EQUAL MEANS EQUAL President Kamala Lopez speaks with Dr. Cornell West and Dr. Melina Abdullah about the urgency of ERA Publication, the need to pressure President Biden to direct U.S. Archivist Colleen Shogun to publish the fully ratified Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution BEFORE NOVEMBER. EME has launched the FINAL IMPACT Campaign for the ERA ( to organize the public to make their voices heard across the nation. Join us now and create your own community action with our help, or simply upload your photo and we will do the rest! MAKE THE CALL, JOE! PUBLISH THE ERA! ...

Join us this week in NYC and be a part of the #InsideOutProject PUBLISH THE ERA

May 6, 2024


EQUAL MEANS EQUAL and the Final Impact Initiative

April 26, 2024

The time for equality is NOW. Learn how you can join us in ensuring equal rights in the Constitution for Women and LGBTQ people through the power of art.