Whew. Wow. Still processing our MASSIVE WIN in Virginia.
“If we get it to the floor and let people vote, then it will become law,” Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, told reporters on Wednesday. “Virginia will be next in line to pass the E.R.A.”- NY Times
“Equal Means Equal, a national organization dedicated to ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment, set up its headquarters in the district.” -Va Pilot
“The 2016 documentary Equal Means Equal renewed attention on the issue…” – VOX
And while we should and must celebrate our victory, now is also a time to keep a close eye on the ball; we cannot allow anti-equality forces to move the goal posts.
When the Virginia General Assembly goes into session on Wednesday January 8th 2020, we must push for a full vote on the ERA. We will ratify the 38th state shortly. Then we can begin to adopt and implement the Equal Rights Amendment across the nation.
Onward to equality, warriors, we are almost there.
Love and thanks,
Kamala, Natalie and the entire EME Team