May 16, 2018: ERA Moves Out of Committee and On To The Floor for a Vote – Let’s Get Some Satisfaction, Illinois!

May 16, 2018: ERA Moves Out of Committee and On To The Floor for a Vote – Let’s Get Some Satisfaction, Illinois!
May 16, 2018 Robert Wood

What a great day!  Bill SJRCA4 (ERA) passed out of Committee today in Illinois!  The vote came down 7 yes 5 noalong party lines.  At the time of this writing, there were 6379 proponents and 666 opponents who had filed…

Now the ERA can be voted on in the full House of Delegates in Illinois.  We are in the final stretch, team!  Now is the time for us to get that second wind and push through to victory!

So we have our work cut out for us to make sure that the Illinois House of Delegates votes their conscience and gives women the dignity and respect they deserve by voting for equality under the law.

Keep up the witness slips, step up the phone banking!  We can do this!

Equal Means Equal is also thrilled to share thatthanks to EME’s outstanding Lizzy Jagger, the Illinois State House of Delegates received a letter yesterday from Mick Jagger urging a “yes” vote on ERA Lizzy has been working tirelessly to spread the word and urge others to join the campaign with great success.  Thank you, Lizzy!

Letter from Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones & photo of EME’s Lizzy Jagger and Sarabeth Stroller at the ERA Mother’s Day Rally in Springfield, Illinois

Instagram Posts by Paris Hilton, who is followed by 8.8M people.

Now the main thing we all need to do is focus on phone banking – helping those in Illinois reach out to the constituents and urge them to call their state legislators.

“The next event in this effort is a hopeful vote on the floor, and we still do not have 71 confirmed votes. So, what we are trying to do is put some pressure on wavering Republicans. Phone banking and having their constituents call them is one of the only ways we can try to get through to them at the moment.” – Office of Rep. Lou Lang (Sponsor of the ERA in Illinois)

Next steps are coming soon… keep your eye out for our emails and if you miss any you can always go to the Equal Means Blog to catch up on all the news and share itplease!

Fingers and toes crossed for equality,

Kamala, Natalie, Joel, Jules, Lizzy, Sarabeth, Thila and EME team.

Equal Means Equal Team (Natalie White, Senator Pat Spearman, Kamala Lopez, Sarabeth Stroller, Jules Wood & Lizzy Jagger)  at the ERA Hearings in Chicago May 7th 2018