We must push back hard right now against the anti-equality forces that are determined to steal the duly ratified ERA from the American people. While we have not lost yet, we are dangerously close to doing so. Shamefully, those behind torpedoing ERA are powerful, have very deep pockets and broad networks. They are doing everything in their power to make sure we do not get the ERA published in time, including using long-standing and well-known ERA advocates to sell us lies and misinformation.
If you were not able to listen to our recent webinar, I urge you to do so — it’s an eye-opener.
Let’s face it: the ERA will compel the government, and ultimately, all corporations to pay women their rightful share. Corporations and other employers including the US Government save 1.6 TRILLION dollars a year by underpaying women – imagine how equal pay for all women would affect corporate interests in the United States? It is no small matter we are dealing with, when we speak of full legal equality for all of us and we are facing formidable foes.
We must be clear-eyed about what we are facing without giving up or backing down.
How can we best succeed? By taking it to the streets and fighting back with people power.
A strong public showing in DC, at the scene of the crime :), the National Archives (NARA), will go a long way in doing the trick.
Our job is to make it increasingly difficult for Biden to ignore the will of the people and to hide what he is doing and point to Congress, the Archivist, the Courts or anyone else. He needs to know that we know it’s all up to him.
And this plan needs your help.
There are several important ways that you can make sure that your voice is heard as we stand strong in this last stand for Alice Paul’s ERA.
- Join us at the National Archives next Saturday December 28th and let Biden see our show of force. We will have many large banners, and 500 large poster images of community members on the phone. We need you to help hold them up. We need the press to see our numbers. Bring your families, bring your friends — let’s make this a huge public display that Biden cannot ignore!
at 9:30 a.m. at the National Archives
701 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20408
to urge President Biden to call the US Archivist, Colleen Shogun,
and direct her to publish the ERA immediately.
- Share the link to the facebook event and repost our other social media content.
- Create a quick cellphone video like these created by ERA Godmother Zoe Nicholson, EME Producer Joel Marshall and EME friend, Ultimate and tag three of your friends asking them to do the same. Let’s use the exponential power of social media to save the ERA!
And in case you missed it – click below to see the explosive webinar that left many long-time ERA activists shocked and dismayed to learn who the bad actors were, covertly fighting against ERA publication. Rest assured, we are doing everything we can to make sure this information goes out far and wide so that Americans become aware of the duplicity, the gaslighting and the brazen fraud that these groups are engaging in, to the great disservice of women and the ERA.
Lastly, we will leave you with a Christmas song from our strong ally Emmanuel OverTyme Simms, with a special thanks to dear friend Barbara Jones and Ceiba Chavez.
We will be here in Washington DC fighting for you — for all of us, past, present and future — and we WILL win, together.
Failure is NOT an option.
with love from Kamala and the EME Team.
We are here in DC fighting for you — for all of us, past, present and future — and we WILL win, together. Failure is NOT an option.
with love from Kamala and the EME Team.