Virginia is ground zero for the ERA. It’s as simple as that. We simply must change the Leadership in the House of Delegates in Virginia this November in order to ensure a full vote on ERA in January of 2020. We can do this! We must do this. We WILL do this.
EQUAL MEANS EQUAL is proud to announce our partnership with VARatifyERA in the #iScream4Equality campaign
Mark your calendars and join us Wednesday August 7th at 6pm EST, 9pm PST for an important episode of Woman’s Journal 2.0 with Kati Hornung from VARatifyERA to discuss the nitty gritty of winning the fight for Virginia, the 38th and final state in our mission to complete the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.
Without a change in leadership in the Virginia House of Delegates this November 5th, 2019, chances for a full vote on ERA in 2020 are slim to nil. But with a mere 3 or 4 seat flip, success for the ERA in Virginia’s next legislative session is practically assured.
EQUAL MEANS EQUAL and VARatifyERA have an exciting plan to do that – and it involves ice cream…!

We hope that all of you will consider taking a trip to Virginia at some point between August 26th and November 5th to volunteer in our efforts to get out the vote. We are presently looking for a big house to rent in Virginia Beach so everyone can come on down (or up or sideways) and have fun getting the thirty-eighth state ratified together! More details soon… including a calendar where you can sign up to volunteer and stay with us.
We also want to share photos from our wonderful time at the Alice Paul Institute in Mount Laurel New Jersey to celebrate the first ever National ERA Day!

Special thanks to the great Erica Young, Lucy Beard and John Bauwens as well as dear Bobbie Francis, Linda Wharton and Laura Dunn, who all participated in filmed interviews for the upcoming sequel to Equal Means Equal. And a big hug to EME writer Rob Wood and his mother Pamela, for taking the beautiful photos!
And to YOU—thank you for taking the time to care and for being a part of this movement.
All eyes on the prize. One state to 38.
See you in Virginia Beach,
Love and thanks,
Kamala, Natalie and the EME Team