August 27, 2019: Join our #iScream4Equality Campaign and Ice Cream Tour in Virginia!

August 27, 2019: Join our #iScream4Equality Campaign and Ice Cream Tour in Virginia!
August 27, 2019 Robert Wood

Yesterday EQUAL MEANS EQUAL and VARatify ERA celebrated Women’s Equality Day at the Virginia Capitol and made a big announcement:

From September 1st through Election Day (November 5) we are launching the #iScream4Equality Campaign and Ice Cream Tour across the state. Come volunteer and join the fun!

Listen to EQUAL MEANS EQUAL’s Vice President Natalie White’s speech here:

If you are a local Virginian and want to ride on the iScream Truck, we need at least six volunteers per day on the truck and more to meet and educate at the events. To join the team please sign up here:

Special Thanks to Tom Martin for his great design

If you are from out of state but want to work for equality and the ERA at this historic moment, good for you!

EQUAL MEANS EQUAL has rented a house in Suffolk, straddling two important Virginia districts (76 & 91).

Starting on September 12th we are hitting the ground in those districts: canvassing, door knocking and educating the public on ERA and the upcoming local state elections.

There are six beds in the house and two couches! Come for a couple of days, a couple of weeks or even the whole two months.

Sign up now to book your room at the EME HOUSE!

Dates are available starting on September 12th and all the way through the elections on November 5th.

Don’t worry, Equality Warriors! If we run out of room in the first EME house we will expand into other houses — they’re all ready to go when you commit to showing up.  Do your part.  Put some skin in the game for the ERA!

Joel, Kamala and nephew Casey represented EME at the first ever Thing Festival in Port Townsend, Washington

Postcard & Phonebank : Drop a line to [email protected] to get the special link!

Host House Parties of Legalize Equality

We hope our #iScream4Equality campaign will be of service to Virginians and help them take action and ensure the Equal Rights Amendment is finally added to our nation’s Constitution.

In 2019, the ERA cleared the Virginia Senate before falling one vote short of reaching the House floor, where it had the bipartisan votes for passage. Had it succeeded, Virginia would have become the historic 38th state to ratify the amendment, the last state needed to reach the threshold for inclusion in the U. S. Constitution.

Yesterday Virginia’s First Lady Pam Northam and Former First Lady Anne Holton spoke on the steps of the Virginia state Capitol along with VARatifyERA and EQUAL MEANS EQUAL:

Read the article published in : Pam Northam, Anne Holton urge Virginia lawmakers to ratify ERA

“They were not given the right to vote, they fought for it,” Northam said of the suffrage activists who fought for the passage of the 19th amendment. “And we must remember that as we work this November to elect those that will work to ensure Virginia is the 38th state to ratify the ERA.”

Equality Warriors, take heart!  We WILL achieve gender equality under law and ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.

EQUAL MEANS EQUAL is making American women and girls that guarantee.

We will not stop, we will not quit, we will not be quiet until every American has the federal legal right to equality regardless of sex.

With love and thanks,

Kamala, Natalie & the EME Team