Join EQUAL MEANS EQUAL to hear the Oral Arguments and watch the Rally on our Facebook Livestream
Tomorrow morning, Wednesday September 28th, 2022, starting at 9:30am, oral arguments will be held at the DC Court of Appeals to decide whether or not women deserve to be treated as equal citizens and human beings under our laws and included in our Constitution.
This is the court schedule:
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 9:30 A.M.
USCA Courtroom 31
Judges Wilkins, Rao, Childs
21-1146Midwest Ozone Group v. EPA 15 minutes per side
21-5096State of Illinois v. David Ferriero 10 minutes per side
Here is where you’ll find the oral arguments online:
The Office of the Illinois Attorney General will argue on behalf of American women, and all Americans, that the U.S. Archivist must publish the ERA in the Constitution given that all requirements have been met as per Article V.
Sadly, President Biden’s lawyers will be arguing in opposition.
- What can they possibly say? What will be their argument?
- Will they claim that the Attorneys General of Illinois, Nevada and Virginia have NO STANDING to represent the millions of women in their states and the citizens that voted overwhelmingly to ratify ERA over the past few years?
Regardless of their argument in court, understand this:
- Women will NOT be equal in the Constitution without ERA.
- Women have NO LEGAL RECOURSE for sex discrimination
under Federal law without ERA. - ERA is presently law and must be published and adopted.
The fact of the matter is that President Biden, as chief of the Executive Branch of the government, has failed to reverse the torpedoing of the ERA by the previous Trump administration, and has thus failed to enshrine the Equal Rights Amendment in the Constitution.
But tomorrow’s action by the Biden DOJ is not simply a failure, it is an attack. On the ERA, on women’s equality and on justice for millions of American women.
It is shameful and inexcusable. It must stop.
Join EQUAL MEANS EQUAL at the rally in DC or tune into our Facebook page to watch the livestream from outside the courtroom:

In solidarity and with fierce determination
Kamala, Natalie, Jeff, Joel, Tom and the EQUAL MEANS EQUAL team