September 18, 2017: When It Comes to Women’s Equality, What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You.

September 18, 2017: When It Comes to Women’s Equality, What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You.
September 18, 2017 Robert Wood

Unlike most other countries in the world, the United States does not have a constitutional equality provision guaranteeing equal rights for women. Why aren’t American women storming the streets in protest over this horrific injustice? Because they don’t know.

Sign up Now to Help Us Change That!

— The gap in poverty rates between men and women is wider in the U.S. than anywhere else in the Western world.

— There are forty-two million women (26% of all US women) currently living in or on the brink of poverty.

— Twenty-eight million kids depend on these women.

— 1 in 5 American children go to bed hungry each night.

This would not happen if women were paid their full dollar. This would not happen if we had the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


The ERA is 95% of the way there: 36 of the 38 States have ratified it. We only need two more states! Equal Means Equal challenges all fourteen unratified the states to finish the job and ratify the ERA now. Join us and let’s do something about it together!

Laws and statutes, like the Violence Against Women Act, Title 9, Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and all other legislation you may have heard of that supposedly protects women and girls can and is being rolled back, gutted, unenforced, weakened or simply ignored.

The courts have explicitly stated that it is not for them to “roll aside all history” and to “take over the job of leveling out centuries of discrimination.”  The only way to guarantee American women full civil and human rights, equal to those of men, is for us to demand that our government ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.

Equal Means Equal is putting up billboards informing people that they need equal rights under the law. We would like to put billboards up in your hometown too and in all 14 unratified states! Can you help us do that? Donate now and tell us where you want to see billboards!

Equal Means Equal Billboards in California

When the American people are educated about this great civil rights atrocity they will do something about it.

Equal Means Equal raising awareness about the shameful fact that, one hundred years after Suffrage, American women and girls still do not have Equal Rights in the US Constitution.

In 1917, 2000 women protested silently, day-in, day-out for two and a half years until they achieved suffrage.
In 2017, how many women today will again protest silently, for just ten weeks, until we achieve equality?

Will YOU take the Silent Sentinel Challenge? Will you stand with us to stand up for our rights, now?

We need your help staffing this vigil!

Beginning on Monday November 13th and continuing until Sunday January 21st from 10am – 6pm, Monday – Saturday women and our allies will take turns standing outside the White House holding vigil for equal rights. We hope you will join us! You can physically take part in this historic demonstration to fight for the ERA by signing up to be one of the Silent Sentinels.

Sign up now to join us!