Mark your calendars, please. On Wednesday December 6th, at 5pm EST, 8pm PST EQUAL MEANS EQUAL will host an important conversation that you should not miss: Why Are Pro-Choice Lawyers Undermining Women’s Rights in Abortion Lawsuits?
To truly understand the landscape, we need to analyze why the ERA is not being cited or used to protect women’s rights. To that end we are bringing together a highly informed team to discuss the matter and answer your questions.

Register here:
Although this webinar is free and open to the public, places are limited so please register now to ensure your important participation.
Please send us any questions you may have in advance to: [email protected]
Subject Line: Abortion Rights Webinar Question
Join EQUAL MEANS EQUAL and top women’s rights attorneys & doctors to discuss several abortion rights lawsuits & the disturbing trend of “pro-choice” groups not only refusing to cite the ERA but also asking courts to enforce second-class rights for women under state constitutions. [
On another very important note, Giving Tuesday is approaching and we are sure your inbox is filling up with “asks” from worthy causes and organizations. What we are asking from you is different and has an urgent purpose, aside from supporting our work overall.
We are asking you to please BECOME AN EME MEMBER.
Membership, that is, a cohort of people who have committed to come together publicly in service of a common cause, holds a different kind of weight in court cases. Whenever EME files suit to stand up for the ERA; women, girls & LGBTQ rights; Title IX or any other matter that affects all of our civil and human rights, we must prove to the court that not only are we a national organization representing all of you, but that we have “standing” to do so. By becoming an EME member for as little as $3 a month, you are signaling to the court that you are serious about the ERA and you want your voice heard and represented in legal actions whose outcomes affect all Americans.
When you put flames together they don’t dim each other’s light; they ALL glow brighter; and we need all the fire we can get to end the war on women and the LGBTQ community for good. We do that by coming together; not just in spirit, thought, or even action – but on paper too. Why? Because we need to “show the receipts” — prove that we have the numbers.
The more members an organization has, the more seriously the courts take them when they take a legal stand. Much of the power of groups like the NRA stem from a perception that they have hundreds of thousands of committed members that agree with the policies of the NRA leadership. That’s what makes them a strong “lobby.”
Well, those of us in the equality space need to let the same powerbrokers in the courts and legislatures know that we too have people-power behind us as we fight for women and LGBTQ rights! Often EME is forced to prove “standing” in court, and one very good way to do that is to show that we have members who care deeply about these matters to back up our claim that we “stand” for the public interest.
We practice what we teach so you don’t need to have a big bankroll to join this club; you can become an Equality Warrior starting at just $3.00 a month. For just a dime a day you can help us fight back in court, on the Hill, in cities large and towns small. The more of us there are, the more impact we will make. With us, your small change can actually make big change.
If you can spare a little more, we are grateful to have it and promise to put it to work immediately; because there is no time to waste. Become a card-carrying EME member today and make clear that you stand for equality for all of us.

For just $3 a month you can help support our court cases across the country using the ERA to fight for your EQUAL RIGHTS; so far the ONLY organization to do so. Includes membership card, exclusive profile pic & a shout out in one of our newsletters!
Feminist Fighter
For $28 a month you support our court cases and our educational outreach program. You help to provide FREE materials to anyone and everyone who wants to join the fight for publication. And while supplies last, we’ll even send you one of our exclusive #38 Legalize Equality tees*
Rainbow Rebel
For $50 a month you’ll not only get your tee*, membership card, & shout out but an invite to a monthly Zoom session with one or more EME team members for an exclusive update and Q&A session on where we are in the fight for Women’s & LGBTQ Constitutional Rights.
Constitutional Champion
Your $100 monthly membership contribution is the lifeblood of this organization. Your dues keep the lights and the pressure on 24/7/365. It lets us be beholden to no one but the truth and YOU. Equality has no party and neither do we. We’ll send the first 28 champions one of our #28 ERA limited edition, numbered hoodies* *
Alice’s Angels
As an Angel, your $500 or more monthly membership gets you all of the above perks AND one free piece of custom social media content related to the publication of the ERA per month. This custom content is yours to keep and use in the fight to #PublishTheERA ***
*Sizes are available on a first-come first serve basis. All new members who sign up by Dec 10th 2023 will receive their item on or before January 27, 2024; new members who join by December 31st will have their item shipped before February 13th, 2024.
**Cost of shipping for Hoodies is NOT included. Size S-L $10.50 XL-XXXL $17. Express shipping for tees is available for $6.
*** Content can include a graphic image or reel up to 30 seconds in length. Does not include logo design. Requests may take up to 7-10 business days to complete.
If you haven’t done so yet, please read our brief in the Texas case, linked below:
Thanks to all our members, supporters and equality warriors for standing with us!
We will not quit until our Constitution includes us all.
With love and gratitude,
Kamala, Natalie, Wendy, Alice, Tom, Roberto, Rob, Joel, Shannon, and the entire EME team