June 7, 2021: The ERA Sentinels Are Prepared to Stand Up for Equality Outside the DOJ

June 7, 2021: The ERA Sentinels Are Prepared to Stand Up for Equality Outside the DOJ
June 7, 2021 Robert Wood

HUGE thanks to all of you for stepping up for the ERA Sentinel project which begins on Thursday June 10th and runs until July 4th (17 days)!

We have already raised enough money to cover 40 paid shifts and are proud to announce the support of many organizations who are committed to providing ERA Sentinels during the action including: Generation Ratify, ERA Minnesota, United Coalition for Humanity and ERA North Carolina Alliance.

Please join us: become a named partner in the ERA Sentinel action and stand Sentinel with us!

We have also begun working with Community Family Life Services, a nonprofit in Washington DC that supports women who are returning home following a period of incarceration by assisting them as they move into permanent self-sufficiency. We are identifying women through them who need work; educating them on the ERA; and offering them a chance to get paid to stand up for all of us.

With your help we hope to grow the ranks of ERA Sentinels with:

  • volunteers who can donate their time by standing outside the DOJ and holding a sign with us;
  • and more sponsored women from CFLS to take shifts.

Thank you very much for signing up to take a shift here:

Or donating to hire a Sentinel in DC to take a shift for you here:

Equal Means Equal hopes this peaceful protest action will help build comradery and sisterhood across diverse and disparate groups of women in the service of our common goal: equality for all.

Love and thanks

Kamala, Natalie, Wendy, Thila, Rebecca and the EME Team