Equal Means Equal is heading to the NOW Forward Feminism Conference in San Jose where will be showing the documentary Equal Means Equal and hosting a One State to Thirty-Eight Party on July 6th at the Hilton Double Tree in San Jose. Join us to raise a toast for the imminent inclusion of women into the United States Constitution!
The film screening is at 6.15 pm in the Bayshore Ballroom and the party is in the Oak Room immediately afterwards. Come learn more about ERA One State Strategy and hear a panel of experts discuss how to insure a win for ERA, not only by ratifying the final state, but by preparing properly for the possible court battle ahead.

Take a look at a very important article from Equal Means Equal Attorney and Impact Litigator Wendy Murphy about how to avoid falling for the same tactics used in the ongoing battle for Title IX in our schools when it comes to ERA
Check out EME Executive Director Kamala Lopez’s article in Playboy Magazine in print & online:
“The ERA can kick off the change; without it, no real change is possible. Constitutional amendments, unlike laws and statutes, cannot be changed by a simple majority vote. They cannot be dismissed with the flick of a pen or the wave of an arched wrist or used as a political football. They are the only guarantees that last from one generation to the next. American women and girls don’t have this guarantee, and we need it more than ever. We need it now.” Says Kamala Lopez, Executive Director, Equal Means Equal in Playboy’s Thoughtfully Rebellious.

And finally, just to leave you a bit piqued, here is the profoundly irritating article from George Will on the viability of ERA.

“ERA proponents insist they are just one state away from victory. But, inconveniently, ERA supporters in Congress have repeatedly reintroduced it (most recently in January 2017), thereby conceding that the process must begin again.” George Will, Washington Post June 13, 2018
This argument is precisely why Equal Means Equal strongly believes that we should not validate an illegal timeline by reinforcing it in our language and efforts as this can and will be used against us in court.
EME is in the process of creating materials with talking points and answers to FAQ that relate to the Equal Rights Amendment and look forward to sharing it soon as part of our Equality Pledge Package that will go out to all candidates running for office in any unratified state.
With love and thanks,
The EME Team