Equal Means Equal unveiled Thursday an impressive slate of events beginning this month to educate and inspire voters about the impact and urgency of adding the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
At the center of what is shaping up as a jam-packed schedule through the fall election season is a free livestreaming concert for ERA called #FaceTheMusic4ERA organized by ERA Minnesota and the Face The Music Collective. The concert scheduled for August 26th (Women’s Equality Day) is supported by a comprehensive consortium of women’s groups. Equal Means Equal President Kamala Lopez will emcee the concert at the request of event organizers.

“As women come together across the country to fight for our full legal equality, we are looking at creative ways to raise public awareness for ERA,” said Lopez, an activist filmmaker and actress. “The concept of intersectional discrimination is finally becoming tangible to more and more Americans. This moment has great potential to communicate how the Equal Rights Amendment would immediately improve the lives of all Americans; men, women and children, but in particular women of color. Economically, of course, but in so many other ways that directly address the zeitgeist.”
Lopez added, “Recent attacks on our citizens’ civil rights are a stark warning that until equality regardless of sex is in the Constitution, American women can count on nothing but our own vigilance and determination. It’s doubly important to elect pro-ERA candidates to office in November at every level. That is something Equal Means Equal takes very seriously and has the infrastructure to accomplish again this year.”
Lopez added, “Recent attacks on our citizens’ civil rights are a stark warning that until equality regardless of sex is in the Constitution, American women can count on nothing but our own vigilance and determination. It’s doubly important to elect pro-ERA candidates to office in November at every level. That is something Equal Means Equal takes very seriously and has the infrastructure to accomplish again this year.”

Fall kickoff events for Equal Means Equal will include:
Keynote Panel What is next for the ERA? with longtime partners, the City of West Hollywood, on Friday August 21st at 1pm PST at the Women’s Leadership Conference. Join Kamala Lopez, legal counsel Wendy Murphy, and Nevada State Senator Patricia Spearman along with Lisa Levin, legal counsel from the National Women’s Soccer League, and representatives from LAMDA Legal to discuss ERA status and our upcoming appeal to the First Circuit & Supreme Court in our federal lawsuit, EME vs David Fierro.
On Sunday August 23rd at 3:30pm (12:30pm PST), the League of Women Voters of Gwinnett, GA will host a screening of the short film Legalize Equality directed and narrated by Kamala Lopez, who will also participate in a post-screening panel discussion on ERA with EME VP Natalie White.
On Monday August 24th at 10:30am PST, Democrats Abroad will host ERA-The Last 3 States and Now the Courts as part of the Women’s Suffrage Centennial Celebration organized by the Global Women’s Caucus Steering Team. Natalie White, Kamala Lopez & attorney Wendy Murphy will address the streaming event and answer questions from Americans living all over the world about ERA and how we can all help push it over the finish line.
On Wednesday August 26th the aforementioned FaceTheMusic4ERA concert launches with the support of dozens of organizations and music from Sean Lennon & Charlotte Kemp Muhl, Everclear’s lead singer Art Alexakis, Cathy Richardson of Jefferson Starship, and many others. Join us for this hour of music, info and inspiration! 5-6pm PST.
On Wednesday, August 26, the Bozeman Film Celebration will host a screening of Equal Means Equal and a conversation: It’s Time – Constitutional Equality for Women – Now 7-9pm MST (6pm PST) and repeated on September 9th at the same time. EME’s President Kamala Lopez will virtually introduce and follow with calls to action about the ERA today! Equal Means Equal program opens on Women’s Equality Day, Aug 26, and remains available through Sept.10th on the BozemanArts-Live.com
On Sunday August 30th at 1:00 p.m.PST, Natalie and Kamala will be speaking at the Centennial Celebration of Feminists in Struggle on a panel called: A CENTURY AFTER WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE: THE STRUGGLE FOR THE ERA. You can get $5 tickets at this link.
“We are gearing up for a very busy fall, keeping ERA voters informed and energized,” said Equal Means Equal Vice President Natalie White, a visual artist and activist. “At the same time, we will be entering the next stage of our battle in federal court to protect the Equal Rights Amendment and see to it that it becomes the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

Your support keeps the fight for equality alive. Please help us raise the funds to continue fuel the fight for equal rights during these very difficult time by purchasing Legalize Equality merchandise or making a donation, large or small to keep us going.
With love and thanks,
Kamala and Natalie
PS: Your generous tax-deductible contributions are an investment in our results-driven organization on the frontlines of the fight for equality. Any amount is greatly appreciated, but for donations of $500 or more we’ll send you our exclusive (and very popular!) handmade Equal Means Equal hoodie as a special thank you.