On June 13, 2019, EQUAL MEANS EQUAL launched a new podcast, Woman’s Journal 2.0, highlighting the need for the ERA. The podcast was named as an homage to the original Woman’s Journal newspaper published between 1870 and 1916 focusing on suffrage and women’s rights. Woman’s Journal 2.0 was hosted by Kamala Lopez and Wendy Murphy, featuring a variety of guests focused on the Equal Rights Amendment. Eight episodes in total were produced.
June 13, 2019 was the date of the inaugural episode, with the following summary:
EPISODE 1: Introduction and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).
In this episode, co-hosts Wendy Murphy and Kamala Lopez introduce themselves, the Woman’s Journal 2.0 project, and their respective histories of advocacy related to establishing gender/sex equality in the United States.
Following the introductions, Wendy and Kamala proceed to a deep dive explanation on the history of the Equal Rights Amendment (the ERA) and explain why passage today would be of the utmost importance for women in America.
On July 31, 2019, the second episode of Woman’s Journal 2.0 was released, with Laura Carter Callow as a guest. Equal Mean s Equal stated:
EPISODE 2: Laura Callow and the History of the ERA 3-State Strategy
Laura Carter Callow is one of the most valued elders in the ERA movement. An indefatigable advocate for women’s rights, Laura shares the history of the “3-State Strategy” — a new strategy that came about in the early nineteen nineties: how it came to pass; who is responsible for it; and how it will help us push through to equality for all Americans under the law today.
On August 7, 2019, EME released the third episode, with Kati Hornung of VARatifyERA as the guest. EME stated:
EPISODE 3: Kati Hornung from VaRatify ERA & the Fight For Virginia
Join Wendy and Kamala for a critical conversation and an urgent Call to Action around the fight for the Equal Rights Amendment in Virginia. Guest Kati Hornung from VARatifyERA.org details the political landscape in her state and the strategy for the next two months to win the Virginia state elections and replace anti-equality leadership. This work clears the way to a win in their state legislature in the next session. Please listen and share widely to win ERA in 2020.
On August 21, 2019, Equal Mean s Equal posted the fourth episode of Woman’s Journal 2.0, featuring Barbara Berenson as a guest. EME provided the following episode description:
EPISODE 4: Barbara Berenson & Suffrage History For ERA: Same Tactic, Different Century
Woman’s Journal 2.0 interviews author and woman’s suffrage historian, Barbara Berenson. Hear Barbara’s fascinating take on how women finally won the right to vote, and how lessons learned from the fight for suffrage related to ongoing difficulties with ratification of the ERA. Barbara Berenson is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School. Recently retired as counsel to the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, she is now focusing her work on women’s rights and women history.
EPISODE 5: Zoe Nicholson: On the Beauty of A Hungry Heart
Woman’s Journal 2.0 interviews renown ERA Activist, Author & Organiser Zoe Nicholson whose hunger strike for the ERA in 1982 became the basis for her book The Hungry Heart: A Woman’s Fast for Justice.
Hear Zoe’s intimate and breathtaking anecdotes about Alice Paul, her furious passion for justice and her unstoppable spirit. As one of the only women still maintaining the flame of hope for ERA when I stumbled upon it in 2009, Zoe was my first mentor and teacher on my journey with the Equal Rights Amendment and she continues to inspire everyone who meets or hears her. Additionally, Wendy Murphy’s clear and clearly rational explanation for the EME’s legal strategy regarding the ERA deadline is detailed herein, as she explains to Zoe why all eyes, all money, all hands must be focused on Virginia now, in order to achieve the 38th state and move into the next phase of our fight for equality, should there be one.
EPISODE 6: Coline Jenkins & The Legacy Of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Woman’s Journal 2.0 interviews ERA advocate and great-great granddaughter of famed suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Coline Jenkins. Coline’s ancestry and relentless dedication to women’s rights is inspirational. She brings her optimistic, no-nonsense approach to Woman’s Journal 2.0, & shares her powerful and simple ideas for how we can get over the finish line on ERA.
EPISODE 7: Natalie White & ERA Strategy After Victory in Virginia
Wendy and Kamala speak with EME Co-Director and VP Natalie White who joins us for the first time on Woman’s Journal 2.0. They discuss their recent victory in Virginia flipping the House of Delegates and paving the way for a “yes” vote on ERA in January of 2020 in Richmond. We will not be delayed or dissuaded from demanding an IMMEDIATE VOTE on ERA as soon as session begins. Join us to learn how you can be a part of this historic moment – make plans now to come to Richmond on January 8th, 2020!
EPISODE 8: EME Update Since ERA Ratification in Virginia January 27th, 2020
Wendy and Kamala discuss the huge events that have transpired since the last episode and the November 2019 election in Virginia including: the EME Lawsuit we filed to protect the ERA, the AG Barr Memorandum Opinion Letter to the U.S. Archivist & the new EME Campaign to urge the incoming administration to #PublishERA on January 27th of 2021.