October 15, 2024: EME Ally Michael Moore Once Again Stands Up for the ERA

October 15, 2024: EME Ally Michael Moore Once Again Stands Up for the ERA
October 15, 2024 Robert Wood


Equal Means Equal Director, Kamala Lopez, with co-writer Gini Sikes and Michael Moore at the Traverse City Film Festival in 2016

EME President Kamala Lopez and Producer Joel Marshall travelled to Traverse City, Michigan in late July of this year, to partner with filmmaker and author Michael Moore (Bowling for Columbine, Farenheit 9/11) and launch FINAL IMPACT for the ERA/Michigan at his local theater on State Street.  At the anniversary screening of Equal Means Equal, eight years after it premiered at his festival, Michael introduced Kamala and she spoke about what had transpired since the movie became a movement and what the present status was of the fully ratified Equal Rights Amendment. She was able to convey how close we are to achieving this historic milestone – only one three-minute phone call away from equality for all, regardless of sex. [Watch the video at the bottom of this page.]

We are thrilled to share that just this week, Michael sent a message to his millions of followers and to President Biden himself, saying the publication of the ERA should be Biden’s number one priority before leaving office on January 20th of 2025.

We are deeply grateful to Michael, his producer Angie Vargos, his theater manager Angie Forton and his entire team for supporting and amplifying this crucial message at this important moment. 

Below is a portion of the article, excerpted from Michael’s substack newsletter dated October 12th (please subscribe to it here)

Bucket List Joe
President Biden Has 100 Days Left in Office. He Has Newly-Granted Supreme Powers WITH Immunity and No Political Consequences.
What If He Were to Use Them?
by Michael Moore

Dear President Biden:

I have found myself thinking of you often over these past few days. About how we will remember your time in the White House, about what your legacy will be. Certainly, you will be remembered for your brave and selfless act of stepping aside, of elevating the person who could be and, if I have any say in this, will be our first woman President in this country’s nearly 250-year history. 

Beyond that, what will the history books say about your time — about your journey from Scranton to the Senate, your tireless defense of the working class, your eight years as Vice President to our nation’s first Black president, the personal tragedies that you have selflessly channeled into compassion for others, or your record as the most progressive president we have had since FDR?

Some people are now calling you a “lame duck” president — but then it occurred to me today: You’re not done. You’ve still got 100 days left in office! And the Supreme Court has just granted you super powers — AND immunity! You don’t answer to anyone. For the first time in over 50 years, you don’t have to campaign for anything. You are the opposite of lame, Joe. And you are not a duck. You, sir, are the President of the United States of America, and for the next 100 days, you have tremendous power. The only people you have to answer to is us. The people who put you there. You have an extraordinary opportunity to make a whole bunch of things happen. Great things. Important things. With a simple stroke or two of your presidential pen, you can make life better for millions of people in ways you never would’ve dreamed possible. You will leave the White House a hero.

So I’ve put together a list — a Bucket List for Scranton Joe — of executive actions that you can legally take today or any day until January 20, 2025.

There is still so much left for you to do, so much left that you can do, and so much left that I know, deep down in your heart, you know that you must do, no matter how difficult it may be. 

And the best part is, the items on this list already have the support of the majority of the American people. You’ll be doing the things they elected you to do. And what better note to leave on than that? 

You want to help people, Joe. That’s your legacy. That’s the real Joe Biden.

And, did I mention You have full immunity! No kidding! No joke! That’s not hyperbole! You can get away with anything! And what if anything means everything to the people?

Joe, this is it:

President Biden’s Bucket List for The Final 100 Days

1. Officially Declare the Equal Rights Amendment for Women (E.R.A.)
as the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

On January 27, 2020, the state of Virginia became the 38th state (of the required 38 states needed) to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. Two hundred and forty four years after the Declaration of Independence declared that all men were created equal (but only if they were, in fact, men who were white and owned land), women’s Constitutional equality was finally recognized! 

Except it wasn’t.

The Trump administration’s Department of Justice refused to publish the fully ratified 28th Amendment to the Constitution, saying it “took too long” and now a few red states wanted to “de-ratify” it. But the Constitution grants no power to rescind a ratification (that’s why there’s a 21st Amendment [“Drink Up — It’s On The House!”] that repealed the 18th Amendment [“Alcohol is the Devil’s Demon Seed!”]). And the Constitution grants no power to set time limits on how long it takes to ratify an Amendment. It took 202 years to ratify the 27th Amendment. President Biden, for almost four years, you have had the power to order the United States Archivist to publish the now-ratified Equal Rights Amendment as the law of the land. Will women-haters try to sue to stop it? Well, of course they will! So what! Let ‘em. When does our side stop being so chicken-shit? 93% of the country believes women should have the same rights as men. You have the legal and Constitutional authority to permanently enshrine this Amendment where the American people overwhelmingly want it: IN OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION!

DO IT TODAY! It will take less than two minutes! About the same time it took Lincoln to give the Gettysburg Address.

Be the hero to all women you say you are. I think even Anita Hill will light a candle in your honor. In fact, call her now and invite her over to the posting ceremony this afternoon.


Check out Michael’s video introduction of EME President Kamala Lopez at the Traverse City screening of Equal Means Equal: