July 10, 2024: Last Minute Invite to Webinar TODAY for FINAL IMPACT Campaign for the ERA

July 10, 2024: Last Minute Invite to Webinar TODAY for FINAL IMPACT Campaign for the ERA
July 10, 2024 Robert Wood

7pm EST/4pm PST

EQUAL MEANS EQUAL has been organizing across the country to pressure ERA publication before the November elections.  Today we have partnered with Fems for Democracy and the film producers of Still Working 9 to 5 to ensure that our voices are heard and our campaign is seen all across the State of Michigan. 

All we need is one three-minute phone call from the President
to the U.S. Archivist and Americans will finally enjoy
equal civil and human rights regardless of sex.

We cannot allow this opportunity to pass us by.  We must do everything in our power to pressure the powers-that-be to take the correct action NOW (and save their hides in the process).

So far we have identified fifteen locations in Michigan where we will be installing FINAL IMPACT Walls with the faces of their citizens holding phones and demanding ERA publication. 

We are thrilled to once again be working with Michael Moore and his team in Traverse City, Michigan, to do a FINAL IMPACT installation, screenings of Equal Means Equal and Still Working 9 to 5 plus a panel and event!  Please consider joining us in Traverse City July 27th!

We need your support as we are gathering images of equality warriors across multiple communities and need to cover printing and installation costs for any towns or cities who cannot afford it.  We cannot allow capital to be a barrier to our right to speak out and demand our human and civil rights.  If you can help financially or know sponsors, please donate or contact us directly and we can send you a sponsorship deck to explain the benefits of participation for any organization, company or individual who believes in equality and wants to make sure the ERA is not sidelined, blocked or ignored.

The cost is low but the rewards are invaluable. 
Please help us.

Please join us for this important educational webinar!

Register here for TODAY’S meeting at 7pm eastern, 4pm pacific:

Keep your eye out for subsequent emails from us, as we have exciting announcements and calls-to-action coming soon!

With love and thanks,

Kamala and the EME Team