May 24, 2022: ERA is Federal Enforceable Law!

May 24, 2022: ERA is Federal Enforceable Law!
May 24, 2022 Robert Wood

Support ERA Advocates and Scholars Who Agree ERA is Federal Enforceable Law Now! Contact your Senators and Reps Today: Tell Biden to Publish the ERA Immediately.

When Virginia ratified ERA in January of 2020, all requirements were satisfied for the ratification of a Constitutional amendment and it became Federal law.  Publication and enforcement have been blocked by the Federal Government, first by the Trump Administration and now by the Biden Administration.  The illegal withholding of women’s constitutional rights and protections cannot be tolerated and must be forcefully and immediately rejected.

Below are letters from important allies in our fight, scholars and lawmakers of great repute, advocating that the ERA be immediately enshrined in the Constitution.  News of their full-throated support should be disseminated far and wide.

Please contact your Senators today and urge them to pressure the Biden administration to faithfully execute our laws, as is his sworn duty.
Have your representatives read Congresswoman Maloney’s excellent letter, as well as the valuable opinions of former Senator and President of the American Constitution Society, Russ Feingold, and Constitutional scholar Lawrence Tribe.

Click on each letter to read it fully and please share this post:

Equal Means Equal will continue our work until women are recognized as fully equal human beings in the United States of America.

Did you know that women’s organizations receive less than 2% of the charitable donations in the US? Please help Equal Means Equal continue this crucial fight by donating today, every dollar helps.

With love and gratitude,

Kamala, Natalie, Joel and the EME team