EQUAL MEANS EQUAL would like to invite YOU to host a birthday party for the ERA, because she’s turning one hundred! Don’t worry, we will help you make sure you have everything you need to have a successful, impactful and fun experience.
What exactly is an #ERA100 Party? To put it simply, it’s a birthday themed get-together to honor a century’s worth of hard work by millions of women and our allies to guarantee equal rights to all Americans in the Constitution, regardless of sex.
Through these joyous celebrations we can both educate and engage the public, giving the ERA the best birthday gift of all: enshrinement in the U.S. Constitution where is rightfully belongs.

#ERA100 Parties are a path back to our grassroots and a way to unify our diverse populace towards a common goal and a common good. We come together in communities large and small, to educate and network, learn and laugh, and weave the fabric of our collective society back together; connected by the truth and the power of our voices to finish the dream of Constitutional Equality for all — together.
How can a Birthday Party change anything? The truth is that the Equal Rights Amendment is presently being held hostage by our own government’s unwillingness to comply with the law.
EQUAL MEANS EQUAL believes that the only thing that will move our lawmakers to action is anoverwhelming public outcry. The reality is that the United States President has a Constitutional duty to make sure all laws are faithfully carried out (see Article II §3, U.S. Constitution). He is also the boss of U.S. Archivist, who is legally bound to publish all new Amendments in the Constitution (see Article 1 §106b, U.S. Constitution).
Now that three fourths (38) of the states have ratified the ERA and it is the legal 28th Amendment (Article V, U.S. Constitution), it is the President’s duty to ensure that these laws are followed.

#ERA100 parties are education-forward, family-friendly, non-partisan events. With cake. These parties are meant to:
- Honor and share the one hundred years of work by those who have come before us;
- Ensure that we, in the present, have the knowledge and the tools to finish the job they started;
- Secure a better future not just for women, but for men, and everyone in between.
What does an #ERA100 party look like? Well, that’s really up to YOU. No two parties are going to be exactly the same, just like us, and we designed the ERA Cookbook with that in mind.
A party could be:
- Meeting for a picnic birthday lunch outside your local courthouse with your colleagues who work downtown.
- Grabbing some balloons, brie, our printable fliers, and some cupcakes to enjoy an afternoon of fun and camaraderie with friends old and new, all while spreading education and engagement about the ERA.
- Getting your Girls’ Soccer Team or League together for a day of friendly games and talking about how the ERA would make equal compensation and resources for girls’ sports the norm, not the exception.
- Giving your “Mommy & Me” weekly playdate an #ERA100 theme [we’ve got plenty of goodies for and about moms, kids, and the ERA!]
- Throwing a bigger bash or party for those of you with the resources and the cool places to pull it off — GO FOR IT!
- The great thing about an ERA 100 birthday party is that as long as there is an honoree, guests, and cake, the rest is extra – and totally up to you.
These parties should reflect your communities and the people who are attending them; because in the end that is what the Equal Rights Amendment is all about: making the lives of all Americans better — regardless of sex.
We’ve put together our favorite “recipes” in the #ERA100 Cookbook to help get you started! See below for all the resources and tools we have gathered for you to use and share. Click on any of the chapters to explore and download any of our free resources for your ERA Birthday Party:

- Full Page Graphics
- Gifs & Memes
- Transparent Background Items
- Holidays
- QR codes & Color Guides
- Documents
- Articles
- Charts, Graphs & Maps
- Elementary School Resources
- Middle & High School Resources
- Fun Stuff
- Safety Guides
Download here6. MUSIC
Download here8. TOOL KITS
Download hereIt’s time to Free the ERA, because it is Ratified, Ready and because EQUAL MEANS EQUAL.
P.S. Don’t forget to take pictures and share them with us!