A Message from the President

Many of you have seen our first, full length award-winning documentary, Equal Means Equal, that helped to kickstart the movement that would bring about the ratification of the final three states needed to complete the Constitutional requirements to add the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the #usconstitution or its follow up, Legalize Equality. The second update on the monumental work of #EqualMeansEqual and thousands of individuals and organizations over the past century to bring Equal Rights to all in the Constitution, will not only bring you up to speed on where we stand today, but how you can get involved RIGHT NOW to give the #ERA a 100th birthday gift that will keep on giving – Enshrinement in the Constitution. Where the American People have ordered it to be. So come join the party, #ERA100, its time to let #Biden and ALL our elected officials know that we are DONE WAITING FOR EQUALITY. It is past time to do their job by carrying out the will of the American People and defending the Constitution as their oath of office demands of them. #publsihtheera