April 23, 2022: Share This New ERA Video Right Away

April 23, 2022: Share This New ERA Video Right Away
April 23, 2022 Robert Wood

The Equal Rights Amendment is an important tool to fight for women’s rights and now that it is Federal law, we need the U.S. Archivist to publish the amendment and Biden/Harris to fulfill their campaign promises. Anything less is in bad faith and cannot be accepted by women voters come November.

We have very few days left for President Biden to direct the U.S. Archivist to publish ERA. After David Ferriero retires, there is little hope that a new Archivist will be confirmed before November and we will lose our last, best hope for ERA publication.

The Equal Rights Amendment is an important tool to fight for women’s rights and now that it is Federal law, we need the U.S. Archivist to publish the amendment and Biden/Harris to fulfill their campaign promises. Anything less is in bad faith and cannot be accepted by women voters come November.

In January of 2020 the ERA was finally ratified by the 38 necessary states, but the Federal government immediately blocked it from being published in the Constitution. We must urge President Biden to reverse this block and instruct the U.S. Archivist to publish the ERA immediately.

No matter what the Democrats may try to say — the ball on ERA is fully in their court and has been for over a year. Millions of women delivered the final three states needed to finally give women basic equality and this administration has done NOTHING to publish, adopt and enforce ERA. Shame on all of them: Biden, Harris, the Senators that are sitting on their hands, the Archivist who said he would publish in a letter to advocates, but then got cold feet, the 22 AGs that sent a letter saying ERA was law in March of 2020 but do less than nothing now to make ERA real. AG Mark Herring that dropped out of the fight as soon as he lost the governor’s race. It’s a disgrace. Where are the elected representatives standing up for women and our rights?

Come November, please don’t believe the hype when they try to tell you that the Republicans hate women and the Dems are our only hope. The R’s may hate us, but at least they are pretty clear about it. They don’t pander to us and then stab us in the back after they use us.

This administration is lying to the 46 million women that put them in office. They are speaking out of both sides of their two-faces: on the one hand Biden/Harris both say they love the ERA and would immediately enshrine it in the Constitution, and on the other hand they fight us in two Federal lawsuits, refuse to rescind the Trump OLC memo barring the Archivist from publishing, and are continuing the Trump playbook step for step in a brazen attempt to kill ERA. If Biden wanted women to be in the Constitution it would take one phone call to the Archivist and it would be done. He’s not doing it.

Equality of rights and protections are crucial to the equal enforcement of our laws, which presently carve out areas of women’s lives to discriminate against them. These areas include equal pay, gendered violence and reproductive rights.

Ever wonder why 99% of rapists will never spend a day in prison? Or why women are still getting underpaid and over-beaten and raped? It’s called enforcement. There are no teeth to our laws without ERA – without the bedrock Constitutional guarantee of equal protection of our laws.The ERA would go a long way in addressing issues of enforcement and penalties for discrimination in these types of cases.

The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution guarantees individuals the right to personal autonomy, yet somehow, we have accepted that women are excluded from this basic human right. Our personal autonomy and the most private decisions about our personal lives are presently up for public debate, opinion and legislation.

However you may feel about abortion, you might feel differently about birth control and family planning. Unfortunately, the differences are academic, as these rights are part and parcel of the legal attacks underway.

The ideology behind denying women autonomy over their persons, similarly seeks to deny women control over their own bodily function; pitting them, their bodies and their potential progeny, against one another in a perverse battle for survival.

As natural law principles dictate: “if there are such things as rights at all, then, there must be a right to life and liberty, or, to put it more properly to free life.”

Reproductive rights, including birth control, are critical to a woman’s ability to live fully as a free human being.

Denial of the Equal Rights Amendment’s adoption and enforcement pulls back the veil on the American government’s bad faith on women’s rights and reveals the truth of the criminal enterprise of discrimination against women, enabled and exploited by those we elected to represent us and protect our rights.

Make no mistake, despite the multiple distractions surrounding the recent ratification of ERA, the Patriarchy recognizes the existential threat Constitutional equality for women poses to the status quo.
— Kamala Lopez